newbies # in January 2
And in recent days was the second batch of the books on the I've been waiting for. This is again plenty of review material received.
I wish I could hate you - Lucy Christopher
You got me first seen. At the airport, on that day in August. Your intense look, I was never someone so viewed. I've trusted you. Then you've kidnapped me. Out of my life, away from everything I knew. Into the middle of nowhere, in sand and heat and dirt and danger. You thought that I fall in love with you. And there in the middle of nowhere, in sand and heat and dirt and danger, have I fell in love with you. But I wish I could hate you.
Small World - Martin Suter
The life of the rich industrialist's son Thomas Koch and his poor childhood friend, Konrad Lang, has never developed very far apart.
Conrad was always there when Thomas asked for it. Meanwhile, the two sixty and Konrad had more problems with his short term memory. After the house burned down the family cooking was an oversight, he travels to Thomas, because plague him more and more childhood memories. The elderly Mother of Thomas, head of the family and absolute sole ruler wants at any price, that the past is again invoked - for good reason.
Evil Angel - Timothy Carter
Stuart is a normal teenager, and one that will satisfy every now and then like a bit of yourself. But everyone makes! Stuart has no idea that he inadvertently angered by an angel who holds a deadly sin. Suddenly the boy floating in the greatest danger - and his only ally is an ill-tempered demon ...
The Eye Collectors - Sebastian Fitzek
He plays the oldest game in the world: hide and seek. He plays with your children. He gives you 45 hours to find them. But your search will last forever. First he kills the mother, then he kidnapped the child and gives the Father 45 hours for the search. This is his method. After the deadline, the victim died in his hiding place. But that is the horror of not over: the children's bodies discovered missing in each case the left eye. To date, the "collector's eye" not a viable trace. As reported a mysterious witness: Alina Gregoriev, a blind physical therapist who claims merely by see body contact in the past of their patient. And yesterday they might have treated the eyes of collectors ...
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