in the center is: divorced parents in the clinch
has anyone seen yesterday ? I was once again very entertaining.
it is the intention of the Minister of Justice, have the same parents are so right regarding all issues of child education. now. So the children live with a parent. This parent is 100% legal action with all the kids busy.
this means that all the problems take only once to the parent where the child lives. This person must sit down with all apart, what so depends therefore difficult. This person must live their, Now whether she likes it or not, after the child aimed. This person is responsible for ensuring that the child grows up in the existing framework as possible. or: the relationship to the child is a subject that is 7 days a week.
the other parent pays child support and sees the child at certain intervals. This also means that no parent has to cope daily with the child and can use the time with the child accordingly different. This person should not go into the treadmill consistent education, has no daily obligations, and to take take place if that parent has time. or: the relationship to the child based on voluntary compliance.
meaningful as It is now that the one parent who is not sue with the everyday and the daily working of the child (and a good part of the life of the child not modest white) has the same right as that parent, whose life is - intentionally or not - mainly revolves around the child? (Who pays calls the tune? And implies this attitude is not even that the non-child support-paying parent nothing pays?)
man must indeed in all of this keep in mind that we are not talking about parents whose character and have enough brain to part with decency.
this scheme it is child all those who are not already in the run-up Some wanted to allow himself to trifle dish before each fight to the death. until the child 18 can finally escape from this misery.
and the perverse thing about this is that it is titled with "interests of the child." parents because the child has a right to both. for me not to see the child from the right, but after distribution of the prey for the adult.
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