beginning Oksa is not thrilled when she opens her parents to move from Paris to London because her father fulfilled a long-held dream and open a restaurant. But when she learns that her best friend Gus also follow suit and his family, it looks quite different. The school in London is great and Oksa also find new friends. If it were not their only common McGraw math teacher there, it just can not, mean to be Oksa. But they must realize soon that it has a lot more concerned than their teachers, as their one night unexpectedly shoots a fireball from his hand and abfackelt the hair of her doll. And suddenly she has such a strange time to star-shaped around her belly button.
learns from her grandmother Oksa finally the well-guarded family secret: she is a witch, just like her father and her grandmother, who come from a secret magic world called Edefia from which they fled many years ago . had And not only that, Oksa is the unexpected, the girl, which it is destined to rule over Edefia. But Oksa not only followers, but also many enemies who want to use their powers for their own purposes ...
My opinion
The story of the young sorceress Oksa Pollock has thrilled readers in France and also here in Germany could Oksa, the worthy successor of Harry Potter, the right ingredients brings the book anyway. The creation of the book itself is almost bordering on magic. Since they received rejection slips from publishers in France, the two authors decided to publish the book self-published and offered it for years at various bookstores. The first readers were impressed with their zeal and put to other readers, until finally Oksas history in France was known and it was finally a publisher interested in the book - the book was a bestseller
as magical as the genesis for the book about the story itself. I think in a young girl who goes to school in England and there discovered her magical powers, comparisons to the famous Harry Potter is not inevitable, of course, but even if there are similarities, the two authors have created their very own Oksa universe. And at this point to compliment them! The book is written really great, simple but yet full of loving details, so I after a few pages really deep in the history of it in his pocket. Buy It came with me to a sense of familiarity when I knew Oksa and her family a long time. can
In the fight against their adversaries Oksa learn magic skills, is the envy of them only. You can float to the ceiling to run, throw fireballs and magic bullets to shoot around. The creativity of the two authors knew no boundaries in all shapes and magical spells, they have created and give the book a unique charm, such as the Gedächtnisradiergummi, obliterating the unpleasant memories or Goranov plant, which is very sensitive and the slightest fear faints.

Apart Oksa is a great girl that allows the reader to easily identify: it is bold, so here but time and again is, often before she has thought carefully and does so in tense situations, zickt around if they feel unfairly treated by her family and can not absolutely suffer when other girls hanging on her best friend Gus. So a normal girl. :-)
all who have loved Harry Potter will certainly also have a lot of fun Oksa, I am least looking forward to the next book.
More on Oksa you can find at . Until 20/02/2011, you can still apply there for a free reading copy, so you ran stop!
Oksa Pollock - The Unexpected - Plichota A., C. Wolf
Hardcover: 592 pages Publisher
: Oetinger (March 2011)
ISBN-10: 3789145025
Price: 19,95 €
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