sounds of the night
It is sometimes disturbing to people, foreign hear sounds of the night and then try to interpret. But questions of where they come good and who or what caused it probably can still sometimes be quite exciting.
your sounds, however, I know literally while you sleep. And they put my mind forever. They exude the melancholy passion of lived with their ups and downs, the fascination of the carefree joie de vivre. Yes I will be happy to look when you sleep. To see how to move the pupil behind the closed eyelids to the beat of your dreams and leave you alternately smile and sigh, is reassuring for me.
to dare not to ban a hair from your face, because otherwise I might take the slightest touch to influence your dreams, I beübt patience. To feel how you provided your spirits with every breath with new energy and regenerierst allowed under my breath and breathe.
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