Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mv42v1.3 Support Case

during yesterday's live streams world observer from the German Bundestag on the case Guttenberg me more things noticed.

said in defense of Mr. Guttenberg some speakers like this, but the title that he "returned" to have.

"give back" that was less a noble deed. Cognizant was able to figure out Mr. Guttenberg easy to see that his university, she wanted to lose their non-call, the title would anyway have to deny. what it would be expected to be moral, I will not be quite clear - the title was already gone. People should also "bravo!" To call because he was first at it? or because he knew what would do the uni?

also said that some of his colleagues, he should accept that he yes I apologized, so the matter was virtually off the table. and in general was a "dr." yes for the performance of his duties not necessary anyway.

I think for a very short-sighted statement and I do not want to believe that those who assert such, the actual scale of this thing can not recognize. plagiarism with the Dr. get-title, is surely a form of cheating, even if this was in some circles, grinning and lenient is tolerated as a minor offense. Moreover, Mr. Guttenberg has so far built up an image, which the copyist was caught diametrically opposite stands.

so he is in his credibility wounded twice, in turn, the trust destroyed. because the citizens of their politicians in general do not know personally, they have to - can also draw confidence from - apart from the real policy. (Who "trust" policy in the silly place, ask yourself again whether he a busted cheating one would buy auto. No? But in his job as a car salesman he is therefore not better or worse? Or is it?)

it Maybe, that a doctor is not entitled in principle for the job of the Lord guttenberg necessary. But Mr. Guttenberg's not shown up without a PhD and the circumstances under which he got rid of him again, are devastating. keep to the protective hand over him, does that also will act morally and ethically correct measure of double.

because there is little doubt that any average person, the same is happening, his job was going on and his watch, his faith and credit to do so.

And of course there are in the world lots of other things, the more urgent, more interesting, are more important or scandalous. is this really mean that they Guttenberg simply wipe off the table thing to do, as if nothing had and move on to the agenda?


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