Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gift Are Good We Prefer Cash

Kam flown a stick ...

Hello my friends, yesterday I had the idea of a small exchange market introduced in my blog. In the navigation bar, you can now find "My Sub" etc., the heading " Gear Swap Swap " section. Shipyard Just have a look at it, perhaps what is appropriate for you there.

Marie Seth I tossed a stick, which can take anyone who wishes.

G ebunden or paperback?
is bound naturally beautiful, but also more expensive, so I usually let me give bound books or try to get them cheaper.
But since I, like many of you certainly also, never go without a book out of the house, I drag around with me most pocket books, then the bag is not quite so hard :-)

A mazon or bookstore?
I must confess, lately rather only Amazon or, especially since it English books at Amazon are much cheaper than the store and I usually only buy books when I have a voucher (thanks Reziexemplaren I have to buy hardly what hach :-)). The retail sector should be encouraged, however, so I for books that will give me, happy to book shop around the corner, relying, for as I do not spare the price.

L esezeichen or dog-ear?
NEVER donkey ears! He who tries to return a bruised book that would rather just buy a new book before he / she meets my wrath!
However, I have no special bookmarks, but take everything that comes in (scraps of paper, ceiling corner, etc.)

O rdnen disordered by author, title, or?
When I moved nine months ago, I would like my books by genre and is arranged by author. Unfortunately that was not good for a while because I do keep getting new books and I eventually would have to rearrange the whole shelf, because every move.
there at the moment I only have an order by genre, so children's books, children's books, mysteries and thrillers, love stories, etc. vampire books form their own category and dystopias, too.

B ected to sell or throw away?
Most of my books I keep, even if I read them again probably. But who knows if I'm not of retirement age from my library (which I have hitherto hopefully) get up and think to myself "Man, I can remember not me, I read it again." Or if my children are not the books great be found.
Some books that have not pleased me so well to be exchanged or sold on eBay for someone else it has joy.
It happened to me only 1x, that I've thrown away a book. This was "The Judas Curse" by Scott McBain and I found the book soooo bad grotto, I threw it angrily into the waste paper, because I was so angry that they spent money for this junk. That was me, not even worth to auction it on eBay for euros.
S chutzumschlag keep or discard?
Uh, halloo? Who throws away protection for your envelopes?

K urzgeschichte or novel?
Dear Roman, I like to learn as much as possible about the world in the book, plays and short stories at the most is not there.

A ufhören when one is tired or if the chapter is over?
I often catch it, I think, "Only by the end of the chapter" or at least until the next paragraph.

" D he was dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
Whatever. I actually read everything but biographies of Pseudo-stars such as planks or Effenberg. As long as appeals to me the plot, it is I do not care what genre is from the book, I have no preference. On my shelf would actually inside are for everyone, making him / she is interested, whether classic, fantasy, thrillers, fairy tales, movie, etc.

K aufentscheidung: bestseller list, review, Recommendation or Browse?
From the bestseller lists I've read relatively little, because just because a book has sold very often, it does not mean that it is also good. See Sarrazin. Or the white paint from Alpina, the best-selling brand in Europe. Why is she selling them? Because they are not properly covered and need twice the amount it has to buy :-)
through all the books blogs that I follow, I first noticed how important to me are your reviews and recommendations. I really do not buy more books, of which I have not heard before. My last impulse purchases were "Jack" by AM Homes and Bertil up to their necks in the snow "by Tiina Krohn.

G eschlossenes end or Cliffhanger?
Well, if there is a series end or a single book, a cliffhanger, of course, is absolutely inappropriate. Within a series, I like Cliff Hanger, because it increases the tension.
Does the way one of you the "Dark Tower" series by Stephen King? The entry I once an amazing ending to a series! :-) Read

M orgens, noon or night?
Especially at night on the couch, there is usually nothing good on TV anyway. And if it is otherwise always boring :-) Univorlesungen, train travel ...

E inzelband or series?
If I liked a story especially, I am, of course, if there are supply from the same book universe.
However, I've also seen many times that a promising series of books eventually exhausted and decreases by the ideas of her. For example, in Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse series, which I devoured at first normal. The last two books are not read but the last 2 years in the closet. I think many authors it is difficult to find a successful conclusion to their series.

L ieblingsbuch one of which still no one? heard
perplexed look * * From the book shelf which no one? That will be difficult.
My first book that I had as a child's right was alone, "Here comes rascal" by Susanne Riesch (probably not related to the skier :-)) I have it Although since then never read again, but I remember that I loved the book very much. And has it ever one of you heard?

L ieblingsbuch that you have read last year?
Phew, there were few:
"Above me the sky" - Jandy Nelson
"Julia" - Anne Fortier
"Apocalypsia" - Andreas Izquierdo
"The Monstrumologe" - Rick Yancey

W HAT book are you reading now?
I just read "I wish I could hate you," a book about a young girl being kidnapped, and "Eight white nights", which I read some time, but only about 20 pages at a time make it. I do not know exactly why.

A o m pletely favorite book of all time?
I must confess I do not have a favorite book, this is there are too many good books than that I could commit myself to one.

L ieblingsautoren?
Andreas Eschbach, Stephen King, Kathy Reichs, LJ Smith (but only their old books), Megan Hart, Juliet Marillier. I could mention here some more, but if I've read only one book by an author, I want him / her rather not categorize as a favorite author, although I found the first book really great.


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