Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Richfeel Trichology Any Useful


my theme seems to be the week. so be it. read today: in paris rats are an estimated 6 million. are the time to see more of it than usual, which has several reasons: the cold winter, the declining water level of the its, the many construction sites.

formulated very charming sigrid schamall in their standard items : "... So should startle For example, the extensive modernization of the station Saint-Lazare, the rats and it is only understandable, they found even in ministries, fine restaurants and luxury hotels. French newspapers report about rats even at the Elysee Palace. ... "

even ? huh? nasty rat! have because no manners? (/ Off, if unnoticed)

way, I have once - in a sober state - at a late night hours in Linz a really big rat on the human and auto-empty right bank road run in the amount Zollamtsstraße see. that was scarier than any horror film: D are


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