Monday, February 21, 2011

Opinel Knife Blueprints


The restaurant is well chosen. On the pier between planks and ribs, it's cozy. A slight breeze blows from over the lake and cooled by the sun still warmed the body. The gulls scream when they slide over the harbor and keep on the lookout for food. Yes, here one can enjoy life.

While I gently with your finger over the inside of your forearm drive as if it were tissue paper thin, which would fall apart at higher load, to make a wide internal heat in the body that even the wind can never cool. My thoughts are trying to read yours, to interpret facial expressions and tell you to do: Look in my eyes love and you see your future.
A careful pressure with the thumb can be in your armpit you smile and direct your reverie back to the here and now. Sighing, I solve my hand gently and take them back across the table. The loosening of the skin contact in other circumstances would have probably caused an electrical discharge. But not this evening. Even today we still keep the tension up for a while.

The evening draws to a close. My gaze follows the shadow of a bat, which is in the dark on the hunt. Requesting your pitching can get up myself, pointing my way. We stroll along the pier and suck again the fragrance of comfort.
Another night when I feel your breath on my skin can and the high voltage of both discharges. Another morning, which makes me wake up in your arms. Yes, here you can live.


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